The Gray Zone Review

The Gray Zone
I really didn't think I would like The Gray Zone at first. It took me a bit to get into it, but once I was about 40 pages in, I couldn't put it down. The interactions between Kelly and Jake are not those of star crossed lovers or even those of attorney and client with a mutual attraction, but they somehow come to life and are all the more believable for it. Ziman does a wonderful job crafting a story so intense and so intricate that you can't help but be amazed as each twist of the story unfolds. NKTEGZU4M7D8

There are a lot of stories that I want to end a certain way, not everything has to be a happy-happy ending. Ziman, while I did wonder along the way how it would all turn out, does her story justice with its ending. Like how I didn't tell you just how it turns out? Maybe it ends happily, maybe not. Either way, you should pick this up if you like a good mystery/crime drama as this story will definitely tickle your fancy.

Reading her website after I finished The Gray Zone, I learned that she is an active advocate for the foster children of this world. Clearly she knows something about this as she portrays how a foster home childhood can go terribly wrong and one woman's struggle to avoid that for her children even at the height of her struggles.